Shubman Gill, the captain of the Gujarat Titans, incurred a fine of ₹12 lakh due to his team’s failure to maintain the required over rate during their IPL 2024 fixture against the Chennai Super Kings at the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai on March 26. This marked the first instance of an overrate violation in the 17th edition of the tournament.
In an official statement, the IPL announced, “Shubman Gill, leading the Gujarat Titans, has been penalized following his team’s sluggish over rate during their match against the Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024 at the MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai, on March 26. As it constituted the team’s inaugural violation of the season under the IPL’s Code of Conduct pertaining to minimum over rate infractions, Gill has been fined ₹12 lakh.”
Gill assumed leadership of the team after Hardik Pandya’s departure to the Mumbai Indians for another captaincy role. While Gill commenced his tenure with a victory in their opening match against the Mumbai Indians a few nights earlier, his Gujarat Titans were outplayed on Tuesday.”