The India round of the MotoGP championship, originally scheduled for September, has been rescheduled to March 2025. The decision was confirmed by news agency PTI, citing local race promoters as its source. The shift comes after discussions between Dorna (the rights owners), co-promoters Fairstreet Sports, and the Uttar Pradesh government.
Race rescheduled due to weather concerns:
The September weather in India posed challenges for the race. With temperatures ranging from 32-35 degrees Celsius and humidity levels exceeding 80 percent, last year’s Indian GP became one of the most grueling races on the 2023 calendar.
Despite the track receiving praise from riders, the extreme conditions affected both competitors and marshals. Dehydration became a concern, exemplified by Jorge Martin’s struggles in the closing stages.
Reports of unpaid dues added to the ambiguity surrounding the event. Race promoters were yet to settle their financial obligations with Dorna.
Mutual Agreement and Logistics:
Following a meeting on May 28, it was mutually decided to move the race to March 2025. The first or second week of March is being considered.
Fairstreet Sports CEO Pushkar Nath Srivastava clarified that unpaid dues were not the primary reason for the postponement. Payments were being made, and any outstanding amounts would be settled by next month.
Shifting the race to November was also considered, but this would have meant four back-to-back races, which could strain teams and riders.
The expectation is that more fans will attend the March race, given the better weather conditions.
Background and Significance:
The ongoing MotoGP season began in Doha on March 10. Before the season started, Dorna and local promoters signed a seven-year agreement to host the race in India.
The Uttar Pradesh government, a sponsor in the previous season, is also involved in promoting the event.
MotoGP India 2023, held at the Buddh International Circuit in Greater Noida, was a significant milestone—the largest motorsports event in India since the last Formula 1 race in 2013.