The beloved horror drama series ‘Stranger Things’ is set to commence production for its final season in early January, marking the beginning of the end for the acclaimed Netflix show. According to reports from Variety, the start date for filming the fifth and concluding season has been tentatively scheduled for early January, though it remains subject to change. The filming delay extended over seven months due to the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, causing a pause in production.
The much-anticipated final season will witness the return of the entire ensemble cast, including fan favourites Noah Schnapp, Winona Ryder, David Harbour, Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard, Gates Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin, Sadie Sink, Natalia Dyer, Charlie Heaton, Joe Keery, Maya Hawke, and Priah Ferguson.
Joining this stellar cast, ‘Terminator’ star Linda Hamilton is set to feature in Season 5, adding to the excitement. Additionally, director Dan Trachtenberg, known for his work in ‘Prey’ and ’10 Cloverfield Lane’, will helm at least one episode. The series will continue under the direction of its regular directors, the Duffer brothers, and Shawn Levy, who also serves as an executive producer, as per Variety reports.
In a previous statement, Levy hinted at the magnitude of the final season, describing it as “major, major cinematic storytelling,” comparing it to the scale of blockbuster movies. He teased that Season 5 of ‘Stranger Things’ will offer an immersive experience akin to the grandeur of major films.
Fans longing for the series’ return should expect a wait, as it’s highly unlikely that Season 5 will premiere before 2025. Nevertheless, an intriguing alternative is on the horizon. ‘Stranger Things: The First Shadow’, a stage play set in Hawkins, Indiana, in 1959, exploring the origins of key characters from the show, is set to debut at London’s West End’s Phoenix Theater on December 14. The script, crafted by ‘Stranger Things’ writer and co-executive producer Kate Trefry, is based on an original story by the Duffer brothers, Jack Thorne, and Trefry, as per Variety reports.
As fans eagerly anticipate the thrilling conclusion of the iconic series, this staging of ‘Stranger Things: The First Shadow’ promises to offer a unique dive into the origins of characters, setting the stage for the grand finale of the beloved show.